Advantages of Grille Lamps

October 12,2022

Grille lamps are commonly used in office buildings rather than ordinary houses. What are the advantages of grille lamp?




Advantages of Grille lamps


Energy conservation


Compared with LED lamps of the same power, the power consumption is only 10% of incandescent lamps, and it is more energy-saving than fluorescent lamps. Many enterprises prefer to use it to replace ordinary types of fluorescent lamps, and have more and more market strength and advantages.


Service life


Its service life is longer than that of fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps, generally 5 to 10 years. It is almost difficult to break down, and it will not appear dark light after long use. It has a protective effect on the eyes.




The previous dimmers have always been aimed at incandescent lamps, which turn red when dimmed. It is difficult to see the fluorescent lamp dimmer, which is the main reason why the dimming technology has not developed for many years.


The grille lamp can be dimmed. No matter what kind of light you choose, it will not change the temperature of the lamp, which is obviously better than the dimming of incandescent lamps.


Frequent switching


Frequent switching will not shorten the service life. Ordinary lamps are easy to break down. The grille lamp is very durable due to its special structure, and it will not break down because of the switch. Now the market share of grille lamp is getting higher and higher, and the praise rate is also very high.




We have Grille lamps for sale, for more information, please kindly contact us at any time.